Monday, January 28, 2008

Are You Making These Mistakes with Employees?

Dr Wright with Helene Wasserman. Helene devotes a significant amount of effort to asisst her clinets in putting policies and procedures in place that can prevent litigation. 213-237-2403

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ferengi Business Ethics at Start Trek

As I plan my trip to Star Trek the Tour at the Queen Mary,
I came accross this at

While I will NOT be adopting Ferengi Business Ethics,
I do think its great to check out your ethics with a Master Mind group.

This is rule of acquisition #111
treat those who owe you like family, exploit them!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

If you can write, you can get your idea out of your head and into the World!

Most people have great ideas, but you need to know how to get them out of your head and into the real world. In the world is where your ideas help people, where they make money and where they make a difference!