Monday, November 27, 2006

Use a Robot for Publicity

Tokyo-based Ubiquitous Exchange developed a robot called “Ubiko”. It answers questions, and welcome visitors. You can actually rent this robot for $445. They are testing them in a hospital located in central Japan. The manager stated “If we look at these robots as advertising and public relations businesses, the price is quite cheap, actually.”

Robots for publicity and advertising is novel, what else could you use in
your business or publicty?

For more articles and ideas visit
The Wright Place TV Show

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Michael Richards Last Gig

This came from the Levine Breaking News- not sure who the artist is, but
it pretty much sums up what I am thinking.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mel Gibson is Thankful for Michael Richards this holiday!

His comedy routine turned into a horrible vat
of racist stew. I have enjoyed his comedy in the
past but now, I will never look at him the same.

You can argue about using the N word. But when you
start referring to the fact that he could lynch you
if it was 50 years ago is sad. If you have not seen the
actual event, you can see it all on Youtube

So let's talk PR...
You messed up, you messed up bad and now you gather the
troops to help you face the music.
Was it a good move to get his good friend Seinfield to
ease the pathway to an apology on Letterman?
How do you convey a sincere apology?
Was this an act to get him back in the headlines because
basically nothing is going on with him now?

I think he made a good PR move when he asked Seinfield to
pave the way for him to get on TV to say he was sorry.
When you have done something wrong and the media has it,
you have to address it.

Also let this be a lesson to use all, there are always cameras

Personally I was offended and I think it revealed a lot of
what he really thinks and says in his private life. So I will
never watch him or pay to see his comedy again ( yes I have in the past)
However, most of Hollywood has a short memory and I think
he will be back to work soon.

I think Mel Gibson is very happy that the attention is not on him
for once.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I have been to a few meetings where
the people do not understand blogging.
What is it really?

The best thing about blogging is that you can
start a conversation and go back and forth.
The readers (usually) can read and then respond
in writing. They can even leave their link on the blog

Everyone knows it is important to have your website
linked to others, and blogs are a fast easy way to do it.

It is so important, people even have robots on the web
that respond and put their link up. You can spot it because
it's usually the link that says "Love your website, check
out mine at

I do not use a robot, I just wanted a chance to link to my site!

There is no response to what was written and no real
thoughts there. But if you want to communicate this is a
great way to do it and it is easily picked up on the
search engines.

Whats PR got to do with it?
People love to google you and find out more
about you on the web.

It's a no brainer, set up your own blog and
respond to blogs that you take time to read.

Get ready, set, POST!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Will Pamela Anderson Get an Iphone?

- New Technology for 2007 is closely tied to
internet integration and make life easier.
Will Pamela Anderson
get an Apple Iphone? Will she be interested in
new technology? Will she know how to use it?

Will she want information on how to make it
work for her? Of course she will. Many women are
early adopters of technology and anything
connected to the web.

Women attend seminars, read the newest
information on new technology. 55% of
the people attending internet marketing
seminars are women. When you attend you
find that only 6% of the presenters are women.

When they do present they are often at the
hip of a man, presenting. So why aren't
women on the stage and in the lists of
well-know gurus? There's a reason, and
it's more dangerous and shocking then
you could imagine. Donna Fox, Internet Marketer
and Author, went undercover interview all of
the major seminar promoters, and asked them
one question, "Why aren't there more women on
your stage?" Their answers astounded her.
Now she is sharing the top 8 reasons why on her

Friday, November 03, 2006

Law of Acheivement Audio

Here is a quick audio for the blog
turn on your speakers and open your mind
Leave a comment and a website link!