Image by webchicken via FlickrBy Barbara A. Berg
Life is often seen as being “hard enough”, without putting off everyday tasks and “inner soul missions” that can build up to being large headaches and disillusionment if we don’t stay on top of them both. It also becomes easier when we make a point of being “proactive” rather than “reactive” in our lives, while savoring life itself – moment to moment.
Many of us have found over time, that one of the first ways to getting to what we need to attend to in a “timely” manner, involves first appreciating the many wonderful joys and gifts we do have in every moment rather than rushing to get to the next step. No matter how hard or how much we go after what we believe we need to be and do next, if we do it with the attitude that “everything is wrong in our lives” and we don’t truly first take in and experience the appreciation of what we DO have and who we already ARE BEING, we’ll have a tendency to focus on the negative and miss the “good stuff” that comes along the way.
Learning how to balance and arrange our thoughts, behaviors, and “stop and savor times”, into a beautiful dance of knowing when to “be” and when to “do”, along with recognizing what is “authentically ours” to take on, can actually take the “hard” out of from life, and turn it into the “flow” of it all.
The more you tap into listening to your “inner knowing” about who you are and what you are about, the more you will recognize when to do what, so your life becomes more “wholesome”, or more of what you makes you feel you are “whole” rather than “empty”. Here are 5 steps to help you move in the direction of “getting into flow” and getting out of your own way: (While these can be useful suggestions, they are certainly in no way a replacement for professional help.)
Step 1. Each morning when you awake, direct you initial thoughts away from “Oh no, what do I have to face today?” to “What are between 3 and 5 aspects of my life that I am thankful for right now?” This will help to more positively shift the energy of what is most likely to come your way on any given day. (Will you draw more issues and dilemmas toward you or effective solutions and joy?)
Step 2. Then consider after that, where you are on a scale of 5 to 1, in terms of how much energy and “focus capacity” you have to take on more activity, versus keeping your attention on what you already have on your plate. Being in touch with this will help you know when to say “Yes” and when to say “No”, when requests from others come in.
Being in touch with your number, (which can certainly fluctuate throughout the day), will also help you focus more on what is important to you rather than get distracted by thoughts and ideas you also generate yourself. Here is a “quick check daily self-rating scale” to help you get started. This can apply to any situation you now perceive yourself as having:
5. Life is great! I feel wonderful. I have choice in what I will take on and what I will leave alone.
4. Things are basically “good” for now. There area few tasks and issues I know I need to address before too long, and I know I will.
3. I guess I’m “Okay”, but I know I’m not really satisfied. TODAY, I will take real steps to getting something done that I know has been hanging over my head. I’ll get help with this if I can’t seem to tackle it myself. (There are times when we seem to create or invite circumstances into our lives that actually improve when we ask for help or consultation, so we can access the answers that may be inside us but inaccessible at the moment.)
2. “In over my head and just trying to survive.” – While it may feel like speeding up and doing everything you have to do only faster is the key here, you could be in a place where the solution is quite the opposite from racing around even more. If you are at a 2, literally take a few breaths, (which may be hard to come by), and “reach into a knowing” that actually standing still and stepping back from your circumstance can help you much more in the long run.
Sometimes we are so stuck on a “hamster wheel” either physically or emotionally, that we can’t see how to get off. Often it is difficult to see that the “hamster wheel” we have found ourselves on has got to go or be majorly modified. If confusion about your situation seems to keep you from choosing or deciding which way to go, check out the “Quick-Check Chattering Monkeys Exercise”, which is next after this rating scale.
Certainly, this is no time to take on more than what you are already doing. You most likely would do well to take on less and possibly consider what to do entirely differently to improve your circumstances.
1. Feeling disillusioned and perhaps having no idea what to do. – This is such a “bottom line” and at times even a devastating place to be. Looking back at the times when I’ve been at or “hovered” over this number, I’ve needed to surround myself with those who could support me and also give me help and ways to be and do life differently from how I had been. A “1” is at times feeling like life had just “dropped a bomb” on you, which can happen.
If this is your situation, let others be there for you. It is no time to not let others in because you “don’t want to be a burden”. Not letting others be there is actually a “burden” to them, as it keeps them from using the gifts they have to offer you. – It actually gets in the way of “flow”. – More empowerment to you! – A “1” is actually a place where amazing things can happen in your life, often out of some horrific situations. Keep breathing and ask for what it appears you need. Do not try to do this alone!
Step 3: Throughout the day, as needed, it can be helpful to check in with this “Quick Check Chattering Monkeys Exercise” located on pages 206-207 of my book, “How to Escape the No-Win Trap” (McGraw-Hill – 2004). This exercise can help you take the steps you need to make decisions, figure out what questions to ask, and develop a structure for what to think about when everything just seems like a blur and it’s all just too overwhelming.-
C- Copyright – 4/21/08 by Barbara A. Berg for overall article except for The Quick Check Chattering Monkeys Exercise. (That was written by Barbara Cowan Berg, also me, and is in “How To Escape The No-Win Trap”, published McGraw-Hill 2004). For permission to copy, please call 909-786-7201 or email me at Check out – Would love to hear from you!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Mikhail Prokhorov - SNOB website and magazine
Image via WikipediaMikhail Prokhorov is starting an invitation only website for millionaires who are self made called SNOB. He is also starting a magazine of the same title. The magazine is a great way for people who can not get a membership in the website to consume his product. It is also a way for people who ARE in the website to brag about it and get people to ask them about it. Then they can casually drop that they are a member. Americans do not like to talk about how they made their money. It is a cultural thing
but other countries do not feel that way.
Would you belong to SNOB website?
He says it refers to a self made millionaire.
Websters defintion is different.
Can he rebrand the name? Hi is using $150 million to do !
but other countries do not feel that way.
Would you belong to SNOB website?
He says it refers to a self made millionaire.
Websters defintion is different.
Can he rebrand the name? Hi is using $150 million to do !
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Blade gets 3 years
Image via WikipediaIts been reported that Wesley Snipes is getting 3 years for tax evasion. Acting is a business . When treated like a business, then it makes money. Making money means handling taxes in a way that is advantageous to yourself. You have to pay taxes but you don't have to pay MORE than you are supposed to. Being famous does not mean you can forget about the basics of business or your brand, The judge felt that he has shown to have a history of contempt for a court, this is why he gave him the 3 years. His brand seemed like it had contempt. Blade would not care about court, so Wesley must not care about it.
This is an excercise in branding and basic business.
check out the new note at
A Note for You
This is an excercise in branding and basic business.
check out the new note at
A Note for You
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Mentors on Amreican Idol
Image via WikipediaI recently saw a poll that said Mariah Carey was not a good mentor on American Idol. Really, what can you expect? There was no real relationship set up. She came to sing to promote her album. They could all learn from her marketing and showmanship. Once an Idol wins they need to learn how to market themselves. They have to learn how to get the right kind of media. Something other than a mug shot would get great for them.
Even business needs to learn how to get the kind of publicity that makes them money
check out
Even business needs to learn how to get the kind of publicity that makes them money
check out
Monday, April 21, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Southern California Edison Requests Project to Advance Renewable Energy Operations
ROSEMEAD, Calif., April 10, 2008 – Southern California Edison (SCE) has filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission to enhance renewable energy operations.
If approved, the Renewable Integration and Advancement (RIA) Program would fund and develop innovative systems and technologies to enhance safe and reliable energy deliveries as more intermittent renewable resources come on line to meet the state’s renewable energy goals. The program would focus on better integrating existing renewable resource technologies, such as wind and solar, with a view toward optimizing the operations of existing transmission and distribution capacity. SCE is seeking authorization of funding over two years for this program.
Although no specific projects yet have been identified, examples of the type of projects the RIA program may consider and enable include:
* Testing and installing energy storage devices to capture surplus energy at night and releasing to the grid during the peak-demand hours of the day when the value of the energy is greater.
* Studying the joint production of solar and wind resources to make the most of renewable transmission lines, such as those in the Tehachapi region of Kern County.
* Testing hardware (such as capacitors, batteries, forecasting and monitoring devices) to improve system communications as new renewables are connected to the system.
* Researching best practices and system designs to improve the growth of California’s renewable resource portfolio.
“This project is an important part of our commitment to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change. It presents an opportunity to leverage existing infrastructure and proven generating technologies to increase the contribution of renewable resources while enhancing safety and system reliability,” said SCE Vice President Stuart Hemphill, who is in charge of renewable and alternative power. SCE, the nation’s leader in renewable energy with about 16 percent of its total energy portfolio from renewable sources, would serve as the program’s administrator. The RIA program would enable studies or other research efforts, environmental assessments or other technology analysis, field-test technologies and equipment, and provide technical expertise and engineering review. The program will also seek co-funding from federal, state and local agencies.
# # #
If approved, the Renewable Integration and Advancement (RIA) Program would fund and develop innovative systems and technologies to enhance safe and reliable energy deliveries as more intermittent renewable resources come on line to meet the state’s renewable energy goals. The program would focus on better integrating existing renewable resource technologies, such as wind and solar, with a view toward optimizing the operations of existing transmission and distribution capacity. SCE is seeking authorization of funding over two years for this program.
Although no specific projects yet have been identified, examples of the type of projects the RIA program may consider and enable include:
* Testing and installing energy storage devices to capture surplus energy at night and releasing to the grid during the peak-demand hours of the day when the value of the energy is greater.
* Studying the joint production of solar and wind resources to make the most of renewable transmission lines, such as those in the Tehachapi region of Kern County.
* Testing hardware (such as capacitors, batteries, forecasting and monitoring devices) to improve system communications as new renewables are connected to the system.
* Researching best practices and system designs to improve the growth of California’s renewable resource portfolio.
“This project is an important part of our commitment to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change. It presents an opportunity to leverage existing infrastructure and proven generating technologies to increase the contribution of renewable resources while enhancing safety and system reliability,” said SCE Vice President Stuart Hemphill, who is in charge of renewable and alternative power. SCE, the nation’s leader in renewable energy with about 16 percent of its total energy portfolio from renewable sources, would serve as the program’s administrator. The RIA program would enable studies or other research efforts, environmental assessments or other technology analysis, field-test technologies and equipment, and provide technical expertise and engineering review. The program will also seek co-funding from federal, state and local agencies.
# # #
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Good Luck Chuck of TV
The Good Luck Chuck of TV
I have become the Good Luck Chuck of Television. In the Movie “Good Luck Chuck”, women would meet and marry the man of their dreams after just one date with Chuck.
People just like you are making some incredible leaps from The Wright Place TV Show to the Today Show, Montell Williams, The Tony Danza Show, the Oscar gift bag, and being in Sophora Stores and Target Stores. The last shows we taped had some wonderful guests. They were networking in the green room and one guest actually made $1,200 cold cash while waiting in the green room to go on the show!
Entrepreneurs: If you’re good at promoting yourself and promotion on TV will grow your business, then get info on being a guest for May 2008.
Friday, April 04, 2008
Getting into Big Media
The show was booked as of 10:45am 4/3/08~ Thank You!!
I just returned from Steve Harrison's event in New York, where people learned to pitch to the media. I was part of the media panel with Psychology Today, Woman's Day, Parenting and 30 other media outlets. What a great event! I met some very interesting people: I met a Pixie, a guy with the most expensive business book in the world, and a lot of other cool people. Congrats to Steve for a great event and to those who did great pitch jobs.
High Tea
The High Tea is filling fast! There is even some YouTube Video about it!
The word is getting around so grab your ticket here.
Free SBA event in Ontario, California!
Small Business owners will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with lenders and contracting offices. Attendees will also have the opportunity to schedule no-cost one-on-one appointments for business consulting and technical assistance with business resources such as the Inland Empire SBDC and the Women’s Business Center. Register the link below
Cool Info-
I have someone looking to interview Women Entrepreneurs by phone on how to grow a business, If you would like to be connected with him then email me with referral in the subject line. I will pass on your email address so he can contact you. I say- go for the publicity
"I did a Podcast, now what, Dr. Wright?- Part 3
New Media is a beast! But you can contain it!! Bloggers- don't send them a press release, send them ideas about stories, cutting edge stuff, comment on their Blog, start a dialog. One cool way to get exposure is to comment on a Blog and sign with your name and website address! You never know what clients will find you! Heck, you can practice on my Blog at
Post to blogs you are reading, you there anyways!!!
I just returned from Steve Harrison's event in New York, where people learned to pitch to the media. I was part of the media panel with Psychology Today, Woman's Day, Parenting and 30 other media outlets. What a great event! I met some very interesting people: I met a Pixie, a guy with the most expensive business book in the world, and a lot of other cool people. Congrats to Steve for a great event and to those who did great pitch jobs.
High Tea
The High Tea is filling fast! There is even some YouTube Video about it!
The word is getting around so grab your ticket here.
Free SBA event in Ontario, California!
Small Business owners will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with lenders and contracting offices. Attendees will also have the opportunity to schedule no-cost one-on-one appointments for business consulting and technical assistance with business resources such as the Inland Empire SBDC and the Women’s Business Center. Register the link below
Cool Info-
I have someone looking to interview Women Entrepreneurs by phone on how to grow a business, If you would like to be connected with him then email me with referral in the subject line. I will pass on your email address so he can contact you. I say- go for the publicity
"I did a Podcast, now what, Dr. Wright?- Part 3
New Media is a beast! But you can contain it!! Bloggers- don't send them a press release, send them ideas about stories, cutting edge stuff, comment on their Blog, start a dialog. One cool way to get exposure is to comment on a Blog and sign with your name and website address! You never know what clients will find you! Heck, you can practice on my Blog at
Post to blogs you are reading, you there anyways!!!
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Last Minute TV Guest Wanted! Get your Message to 3.8 million homes!
April 8th is the day in Southern California
You pay for any travel
you need to call me at
909-635-2040 if you want that slot on the show.
If you do not hear back, that means the segment was filled.
You pay for any travel
you need to call me at
909-635-2040 if you want that slot on the show.
If you do not hear back, that means the segment was filled.
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