Friday, June 10, 2005

Womens biz !

Wow! had a great time at the first Women's Business Series
Met so many great folks there and seen other people who I had not seen in a while
Great vendors and good networking- 5 minute networking!

You had to be there!

We had winners of the show give away, I'll give you more on them later!

write here!

I am looking for information about HOW TELLING THE STORY OF WHAT

I am now compiling articles that were published by THE FEDCO REPORTER
some years ago. This material will be used for Regional Books in
California, and I need to contact the authors for permission. Please
contact Pat Warner, (562) 493-1096

. I am putting a book together related to ONLINE DATING:
What I would like are one page stories from your readers regarding:
1.How (women) have been taken advantage of by men online?
2. How (men) have been taken advantage of by women online?
3. How men have taken advantage of women online?.
4. How women have taken advantage of men online.?
5. Has either sex learned anything positive from any of these experiences?
They can send the stories to:

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