Thursday, August 31, 2006

Make overs! Get your news clothes ON!

Are you or someone you know a MOTHER who is a complete mess when it comes to her appearance? Is the daughter a complete replica of this fashion disaster? If so, we can help! We're looking for a Mother and daughter who are desperately in need of a full makeover that includes hair (color and cut), LOTS OF NEW CLOTHING, ACCESSORIES, SHOES, JEWELRY and LOTS MORE!!! Plus, if you help make them over, you receive $400!!!

Here are some stories we are looking for, but not limited to, so please tell us your full story!

Mother has big hair and bad fashion, daughter has big hair and bad fashion
Mother or daughter survived a tragic situation
Hippie mother equals hippie daughter
Funky mother, funky daughter
Mother and daughter share clothing and it's HORRIBLE!
Mother and daughter share grandma's clothing
Frumpy mother, frumpy daughter
Mismatched mother, mismatched daughter
Mother and daughter survived rought times and desperately need a makeover

Again, we are open to all stories. Please submit stories and photos with contact information to

Greg's Show!

The Greg Behrendt Show needs attractive women in their 20's for a dating segment. The pay is $100 and you must come camera ready in a black dress. If interested please email your picture along with your contact information to Or call 310-202-2439.


Style Network is looking for women who need a special makeover. We want to transform you from average to fabulous! We are looking for females 23-32 who have a celebrity they really admire and a GOOD reason why we should make you over. Did you recently change careers? Are you pregnant and feel like you lost your "look"? Are you going to a high school re-union and feel like you need to update your style? Do you dress too revealing and find that your friends are embarrassed to go in public with you? Do any of these scenarios sound like you? If so, please email your name, photo, age and story to

You will be made up by all the top celebrity make-up artists and celebrity stylists! Oh and yes you get to walk away with a BRAND NEW WARDROBE!


Oh yeah, check out the Wright Place TV Show on KVMD Los Angeles!
WE are network