Monday, June 02, 2008

I went into Wells Fargo bank today and it was clearly dress down day. The people in the bank were in tennis shoes, baggy jeans, too tight tees and my teller actually had on a wife beater with red skull and cross bones. The guy sitting at the loan desk had on a suit but the rest of them look like they just came in from a picnic.

I don't bank at Wells Fargo, thats a story for another day, however I wonder what this is doing to their brand. What are they trying to say with the dress down friday? Why do they have it? If you are dealing with my money, I want you to look like you deal with money. I think it is not good brand management. Since you have one day a week where you are relaxed, are you relaxed about my money too?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Planning For the Trade Show You Forgot to Plan For Part 2

The 2006 LinuxWorld trade show at the Boston Convention and Exposition Center.Image via Wikipedia

By Bob Reed
Element-R Partners LLC

Boy, calendars are sneaky, aren't they? That trade show or industry conference you budgeted for last year is fast approaching. You have an exhibit. You know who your team is and where they have to be. But, are you prepared?

Rule 3 – Pre-Market Your Appearance to Prospects and the Media

Look at your timeline. If you have two weeks or more, you can mail or e-mail a promotion to pre-registered attendees. Provide an early-bird special (e.g., increased odds of winning your drawing for people who pre-register) and track responses with a show-specific Web page.

If you are introducing a new product, service or capability, consider arranging one-on-one interviews with the media to build exposure. Even if you are not making a major announcement, with a little digging on what the publications will be covering in the near future, you can 'sell' a meeting by offering input on those topics.

Rule 4 – Follow-Up with All Booth Visitors

Don't forget to track who comes to your exhibit. Attendees spent their time and showed their interest by spending time with you. Tell them it wasn't wasted time by following up. Assign a priority to each visitor so you can invest differently in follow up. Spend more money and time on the best opportunities. Get hot leads in your sales team’s hands and make sure they follow up, fast.

And remember, there could be some diamonds in the rough, so follow-up with everyone. A simple e-mail that thanks them for their time will be appreciated, and you may also extend an offer to provide subsequent educational material.

Rule 5 – Evaluate Your Success

You've made a large investment in attending the show. After you've packed up and headed home, play Monday morning quarterback. Which customers responded to your message and which ones didn't? Use this kind of intelligence to improve subsequent marketing and selling programs.

And for the people you met, stay with them. Get their permission to add them to your database and communicate with them on a regular basis. Keep track of these new leads during the next one, three and six months. You never know who might buy later.

Trade shows offer significant opportunities if you know what you want to achieve and how to go about it. Think of the word "show." Like any stagecraft, preparing, rehearsing and putting on a good performance is what will deliver the ovation you are looking for – the opportunity to create dialogue and value for new customers.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Planning For the Trade Show You Forgot to Plan For

Image from Flickr

By Bob Reed
Element-R Partners LLC

Boy, calendars are sneaky, aren't they? That trade show or industry conference you budgeted for last year is fast approaching. You have an exhibit. You know who your team is and where they have to be. But, are you prepared?

Events like these are special. They represent that one opportunity to meet face-to-face with your next customer. For most small to mid-size firms, one or two events will account for the majority of the marketing budget.

Events are also like running a race. Your ability to win the race is ultimately determined by the quality of your preparation - The Event Plan. A stroll down the show aisle will prove the point that many firms have missed countless opportunities to improve the return on investment for their travel, exhibit cost and out of office time.

Even if you are just four weeks from show time, it's not too late to put together an action plan to increase traffic and potential leads at your exhibit. Here are five rules to consider:

Rule 1 – BE There!

Showing up doesn't count. Too many times, companies go to a show just so they're not "absent" from the scene. Understand why you are there and what attendees should remember about your presence. Try the following:

  • Prepare a talking points script so that everyone in your booth knows the story. Test them to ensure flawless execution.
  • Use open-ended questions such as "are you familiar with our products and services?" or "is your firm facing pressure to (...)?".
  • Invite high-quality prospects to personal meetings.
  • Administer a quick survey at your exhibit and make it fun.
  • Assign staff to walk the show, network, attend sessions and gather ideas for next year.

Rule 2 – Have an Offer

Regardless of whether you provide services or products, you should extend an offer to give prospects a reason to visit your booth. Be creative. Think of ways to build a relationship with visitors. Hold a drawing for those who stay for a demonstration or presentation or distribute educational materials, such as a white paper. Think of a remarkable giveaway that reinforces your brand and won't get thrown away.

To BE continued....

Monday, May 19, 2008

Travel helps for the best seats everywhere

The first of the Ariau towersImage via WikipediaFind the best seat on the plane

Find the best hotel room in that particular hotel

Vacation and help others!
Ritz Carlton give back means you can work to help a community while you
are on vacation.

Like what, you say?
In June you can help children in Bahrain, Work with the Blue Iguanas in the
Grand Cayman Islands or restore the Everglades in Florida.
There is a lot of stuff to do! and Who knows what kind of business ideas could come?

Monday, May 12, 2008

New Strategy for Your Business

Description unavailableImage from FlickrNo strategy lasts forever. Even Tom Peters knows this. Half the books he wrote about are no longer in business. He held them up as examples of success and leadership.You need to change things up and try some new things.

Are you not getting the success you are looking for? Do you want to enhance what you have been doing?

Do you want to talk to entrepreneurs who are looking to talk to you (permission marketing?)
then you need to be in the Wright Place!

Call 01 909 635 2040 to get more information about how to be on the show.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Top Gifts for Moms- Mothers Day or Just Because

Its' no secret, every year we have one big show to honor mothers. Ok- its to honor MY mother but hey, we all have a lot of fun there. This year, the show was Co Produced by UThinkit Graphics and I will tell you about their unique contributions a little later.

This is going to be a long post, but if you need ideas for a special lady who is growing her business, then just bookmark this to come back for review!

I will catagorize the items


From Credit Repair to Credit Millionaire
Its about business credit ( which is different from your personal credit)

How to Escape the No Win Trap
Assess where you are now and how you got there!
By Barbara Berg

The Power of Mentorship Books

Marsh Engle's book- Amazing Woman!


Boresha Coffee!

Bdrizzled Popcorn- This stuff is amazing, pop corn with chocolate drizzled over it-I have never tasted anything like this. Find an excuse to give someone this amazing food.

Personal Items
We all wear badges, now we can look stylish! with Crystal Lanyards and

Sterling Silver earrings from Of-The Earth

Lily Organics- Skin care that is all freshly made and natural.

MOre great stuff to share with you later!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Here's a picture of the famous rock

If you know the story behind this, fine, laugh your butt off

If not DONT ASK!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Online and Offline Marketing

Typical junkmail.Image via WikipediaMost successful businesses do a combination of online and offline marketing.
TV is off line marketing. Online video is ONLINE marketing. The Wright Place TV show gives you both.

Most internet marketers to do not bother to tell you how much offline marketing they do. They place ads on TV, newspapers, and magazines.
They send out tons of direct mail, post cards and newsletters. But when they teach the classes they only talk about how they build a list online.

They do not tell you how many people on their email list came from a direct mail list they purchased for a special source.

Let's get real people, you need both. Because so few people are using any kind of advertising , its easy to stand out. Television gives you sight and hearing, a chance to really connect with the viewers.

If you are business to business, then you need to be in the Wright Place- where the eyeballs already are. We are looking for July guests, you are looking for more exposure, maybe we are a match. Let's explore

Monday, April 28, 2008

5 Steps To Living Each Day So Tomorrow Is Easier To Wake Up To

sign holders at the Bill Clinton appearanceImage by webchicken via FlickrBy Barbara A. Berg
Life is often seen as being “hard enough”, without putting off everyday tasks and “inner soul missions” that can build up to being large headaches and disillusionment if we don’t stay on top of them both. It also becomes easier when we make a point of being “proactive” rather than “reactive” in our lives, while savoring life itself – moment to moment.

Many of us have found over time, that one of the first ways to getting to what we need to attend to in a “timely” manner, involves first appreciating the many wonderful joys and gifts we do have in every moment rather than rushing to get to the next step. No matter how hard or how much we go after what we believe we need to be and do next, if we do it with the attitude that “everything is wrong in our lives” and we don’t truly first take in and experience the appreciation of what we DO have and who we already ARE BEING, we’ll have a tendency to focus on the negative and miss the “good stuff” that comes along the way.

Learning how to balance and arrange our thoughts, behaviors, and “stop and savor times”, into a beautiful dance of knowing when to “be” and when to “do”, along with recognizing what is “authentically ours” to take on, can actually take the “hard” out of from life, and turn it into the “flow” of it all.

The more you tap into listening to your “inner knowing” about who you are and what you are about, the more you will recognize when to do what, so your life becomes more “wholesome”, or more of what you makes you feel you are “whole” rather than “empty”. Here are 5 steps to help you move in the direction of “getting into flow” and getting out of your own way: (While these can be useful suggestions, they are certainly in no way a replacement for professional help.)

Step 1. Each morning when you awake, direct you initial thoughts away from “Oh no, what do I have to face today?” to “What are between 3 and 5 aspects of my life that I am thankful for right now?” This will help to more positively shift the energy of what is most likely to come your way on any given day. (Will you draw more issues and dilemmas toward you or effective solutions and joy?)

Step 2. Then consider after that, where you are on a scale of 5 to 1, in terms of how much energy and “focus capacity” you have to take on more activity, versus keeping your attention on what you already have on your plate. Being in touch with this will help you know when to say “Yes” and when to say “No”, when requests from others come in.

Being in touch with your number, (which can certainly fluctuate throughout the day), will also help you focus more on what is important to you rather than get distracted by thoughts and ideas you also generate yourself. Here is a “quick check daily self-rating scale” to help you get started. This can apply to any situation you now perceive yourself as having:

5. Life is great! I feel wonderful. I have choice in what I will take on and what I will leave alone.

4. Things are basically “good” for now. There area few tasks and issues I know I need to address before too long, and I know I will.

3. I guess I’m “Okay”, but I know I’m not really satisfied. TODAY, I will take real steps to getting something done that I know has been hanging over my head. I’ll get help with this if I can’t seem to tackle it myself. (There are times when we seem to create or invite circumstances into our lives that actually improve when we ask for help or consultation, so we can access the answers that may be inside us but inaccessible at the moment.)

2. “In over my head and just trying to survive.” – While it may feel like speeding up and doing everything you have to do only faster is the key here, you could be in a place where the solution is quite the opposite from racing around even more. If you are at a 2, literally take a few breaths, (which may be hard to come by), and “reach into a knowing” that actually standing still and stepping back from your circumstance can help you much more in the long run.

Sometimes we are so stuck on a “hamster wheel” either physically or emotionally, that we can’t see how to get off. Often it is difficult to see that the “hamster wheel” we have found ourselves on has got to go or be majorly modified. If confusion about your situation seems to keep you from choosing or deciding which way to go, check out the “Quick-Check Chattering Monkeys Exercise”, which is next after this rating scale.
Certainly, this is no time to take on more than what you are already doing. You most likely would do well to take on less and possibly consider what to do entirely differently to improve your circumstances.

1. Feeling disillusioned and perhaps having no idea what to do. – This is such a “bottom line” and at times even a devastating place to be. Looking back at the times when I’ve been at or “hovered” over this number, I’ve needed to surround myself with those who could support me and also give me help and ways to be and do life differently from how I had been. A “1” is at times feeling like life had just “dropped a bomb” on you, which can happen.

If this is your situation, let others be there for you. It is no time to not let others in because you “don’t want to be a burden”. Not letting others be there is actually a “burden” to them, as it keeps them from using the gifts they have to offer you. – It actually gets in the way of “flow”. – More empowerment to you! – A “1” is actually a place where amazing things can happen in your life, often out of some horrific situations. Keep breathing and ask for what it appears you need. Do not try to do this alone!

Step 3: Throughout the day, as needed, it can be helpful to check in with this “Quick Check Chattering Monkeys Exercise” located on pages 206-207 of my book, “How to Escape the No-Win Trap” (McGraw-Hill – 2004). This exercise can help you take the steps you need to make decisions, figure out what questions to ask, and develop a structure for what to think about when everything just seems like a blur and it’s all just too overwhelming.-

C- Copyright – 4/21/08 by Barbara A. Berg for overall article except for The Quick Check Chattering Monkeys Exercise. (That was written by Barbara Cowan Berg, also me, and is in “How To Escape The No-Win Trap”, published McGraw-Hill 2004). For permission to copy, please call 909-786-7201 or email me at Check out – Would love to hear from you!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mikhail Prokhorov - SNOB website and magazine

Mikhail ProkhorovImage via WikipediaMikhail Prokhorov is starting an invitation only website for millionaires who are self made called SNOB. He is also starting a magazine of the same title. The magazine is a great way for people who can not get a membership in the website to consume his product. It is also a way for people who ARE in the website to brag about it and get people to ask them about it. Then they can casually drop that they are a member. Americans do not like to talk about how they made their money. It is a cultural thing

but other countries do not feel that way.
Would you belong to SNOB website?
He says it refers to a self made millionaire.
Websters defintion is different.
Can he rebrand the name? Hi is using $150 million to do !

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Blade gets 3 years

The Bank of England is one of the oldest central banks. It was founded in 1694 and nationalised in 1946.Image via WikipediaIts been reported that Wesley Snipes is getting 3 years for tax evasion. Acting is a business . When treated like a business, then it makes money. Making money means handling taxes in a way that is advantageous to yourself. You have to pay taxes but you don't have to pay MORE than you are supposed to. Being famous does not mean you can forget about the basics of business or your brand, The judge felt that he has shown to have a history of contempt for a court, this is why he gave him the 3 years. His brand seemed like it had contempt. Blade would not care about court, so Wesley must not care about it.

This is an excercise in branding and basic business.

check out the new note at
A Note for You

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mentors on Amreican Idol

Malaysian Idol 2 album coverImage via WikipediaI recently saw a poll that said Mariah Carey was not a good mentor on American Idol. Really, what can you expect? There was no real relationship set up. She came to sing to promote her album. They could all learn from her marketing and showmanship. Once an Idol wins they need to learn how to market themselves. They have to learn how to get the right kind of media. Something other than a mug shot would get great for them.

Even business needs to learn how to get the kind of publicity that makes them money

check out

Monday, April 21, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Southern California Edison Requests Project to Advance Renewable Energy Operations

ROSEMEAD, Calif., April 10, 2008 – Southern California Edison (SCE) has filed an application with the California Public Utilities Commission to enhance renewable energy operations.

If approved, the Renewable Integration and Advancement (RIA) Program would fund and develop innovative systems and technologies to enhance safe and reliable energy deliveries as more intermittent renewable resources come on line to meet the state’s renewable energy goals. The program would focus on better integrating existing renewable resource technologies, such as wind and solar, with a view toward optimizing the operations of existing transmission and distribution capacity. SCE is seeking authorization of funding over two years for this program.

Although no specific projects yet have been identified, examples of the type of projects the RIA program may consider and enable include:

* Testing and installing energy storage devices to capture surplus energy at night and releasing to the grid during the peak-demand hours of the day when the value of the energy is greater.
* Studying the joint production of solar and wind resources to make the most of renewable transmission lines, such as those in the Tehachapi region of Kern County.
* Testing hardware (such as capacitors, batteries, forecasting and monitoring devices) to improve system communications as new renewables are connected to the system.
* Researching best practices and system designs to improve the growth of California’s renewable resource portfolio.

“This project is an important part of our commitment to reduce carbon emissions and fight climate change. It presents an opportunity to leverage existing infrastructure and proven generating technologies to increase the contribution of renewable resources while enhancing safety and system reliability,” said SCE Vice President Stuart Hemphill, who is in charge of renewable and alternative power. SCE, the nation’s leader in renewable energy with about 16 percent of its total energy portfolio from renewable sources, would serve as the program’s administrator. The RIA program would enable studies or other research efforts, environmental assessments or other technology analysis, field-test technologies and equipment, and provide technical expertise and engineering review. The program will also seek co-funding from federal, state and local agencies.

# # #

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Good Luck Chuck of TV

The Good Luck Chuck of TV

I have become the Good Luck Chuck of Television. In the Movie “Good Luck Chuck”, women would meet and marry the man of their dreams after just one date with Chuck.
People just like you are making some incredible leaps from The Wright Place TV Show to the Today Show, Montell Williams, The Tony Danza Show, the Oscar gift bag, and being in Sophora Stores and Target Stores. The last shows we taped had some wonderful guests. They were networking in the green room and one guest actually made $1,200 cold cash while waiting in the green room to go on the show!

Entrepreneurs: If you’re good at promoting yourself and promotion on TV will grow your business, then get info on being a guest for May 2008.


Friday, April 04, 2008

Getting into Big Media

The show was booked as of 10:45am 4/3/08~ Thank You!!

I just returned from Steve Harrison's event in New York, where people learned to pitch to the media. I was part of the media panel with Psychology Today, Woman's Day, Parenting and 30 other media outlets. What a great event! I met some very interesting people: I met a Pixie, a guy with the most expensive business book in the world, and a lot of other cool people. Congrats to Steve for a great event and to those who did great pitch jobs.

High Tea

The High Tea is filling fast! There is even some YouTube Video about it!
The word is getting around so grab your ticket here.

Free SBA event in Ontario, California!

Small Business owners will have the opportunity to meet one-on-one with lenders and contracting offices. Attendees will also have the opportunity to schedule no-cost one-on-one appointments for business consulting and technical assistance with business resources such as the Inland Empire SBDC and the Women’s Business Center. Register the link below


Cool Info-

I have someone looking to interview Women Entrepreneurs by phone on how to grow a business, If you would like to be connected with him then email me with referral in the subject line. I will pass on your email address so he can contact you. I say- go for the publicity

"I did a Podcast, now what, Dr. Wright?- Part 3

New Media is a beast! But you can contain it!! Bloggers- don't send them a press release, send them ideas about stories, cutting edge stuff, comment on their Blog, start a dialog. One cool way to get exposure is to comment on a Blog and sign with your name and website address! You never know what clients will find you! Heck, you can practice on my Blog at

Post to blogs you are reading, you there anyways!!!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Last Minute TV Guest Wanted! Get your Message to 3.8 million homes!

April 8th is the day in Southern California
You pay for any travel
you need to call me at
909-635-2040 if you want that slot on the show.

If you do not hear back, that means the segment was filled.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Cool Tool- find out if a web page is really down

Don Boyer's Class on Making Money is April 19th, you need to call him at
562-789-1909 if you would like to be in that class. I gotta say, I really enjoy his class and his info is on track all the way. Meet me there and we can talk about your projects.

"I did a Podcast, now what, Dr. Wright?- Part 2
A lot of people do a Podcast or radio show interviews and want to know how to maximized it. Publicity is supposed to help us make money but how to you make money from the interviews you have already done? You remember what they gurus say- work once and make money over and over again from it.
I've taught a a lot about the need to do Podcasts and internet interviews but most folks do not understand what to do next. There are some specific thing you need to do to make a simple Podcast interview increase your cash flow. I'll share that on the next note.

The site down for everyone or just ME?
A friend called to say she couldn't get the website to get a ticket, she thought the page was just down. I've run into that too. Now you can go to to be sure, its checks all sites for you, not just mine!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Are Manners Not Useful on Social Networking Sites?

this is an actual online transaction on a social networking site:

DR. WRIGHT: wow, this is a quiet group

It is your job to build value in her product/service so that the referral buys. People spend money on what they want if you can show them that they want to.

Take for instance: If you send out thank you cards, appreciation cards, birthday cards or anniversary card you should see the value in this system. If you have a burning desire to see your business grow, you have a need and should see the value in the system.

Lets' do a test: go to, create a free account and send out 2 cards, someone you love, a prospect that you have been courting, reach out to a friend.

Then tell me that this system truly is of not use to you or your business.

Saundra Jackson
Just sharing

DR. WRIGHT: I think send out cards is a wonderful tool. I did not realize that this is what this particular group does.

SAUNDRA JACKSON: This group is about ways to get 50 referrals in 50 days, not just sendoutcards.

How do you get referrals. Do you send out cards in your business.

DR. WRIGHT: no, i offer something very expensive, my referrals come from customers who make sure who they refer can afford adn want what I offer. Sending out a lot of cards would only invite tire kickers who are just curious.

SAUNDRA JACKSON: Actually you are wrong. You only send out cards to the persons that you want to do business with, not every joe blow in the world. You decide who you want to do business with. Usually when we decide who wants and can afford what we have we are wrong. I used to sell online golf games to people. The price was $2400, I targeted country clubs and driving ranges. When they said that they couldn't afford it, I just said maybe you have a friend who can. They normally don't want to look like their friends have a better life than they do.

And remember tire kickers can drive Mercedes
Saundra Jackson, 21 hours ago Report abuse

DR WRIGHT thanks for letting me know I am wrong.

SAUNDRA JACKSON: You are Dr Letitia Wright of the Wright Place TV Show? Who inspire and educate Entrepreneurs worldwide

It's not about showing that you're wrong, it's about sharing other ways to accomplish what you are trying to accomplish.

DR WRIGHT: Thank you and have a great day.

THE LESSON HERE? Do not post if you are Angry, Depressed, Desperate or HIGH
I call it posting with ADDH

remember, simple manners always help you out!
This is on Plaxo a public forum for anyone to see.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Quitting the Newsletter

I was thinking about my newsletter and wondering if people really have time to read all the newsletters they sign up for. I want to give you information you need and want without overwhelming you. You already have enough on your plate!

So I am going to try this new way. It's posted on the web, you can read it whenever you want. I'll just send you a note when we have a new post. Will that work for you?
One thing I have learned. When you are working with a strategy and the outcome you want is not happening, after a while you need to try a new strategy. Every quarter I look at one aspect of my business that is not working the way I would like and then work on changing it. That is what they mean when they say, work ON your business not IN your business. You do not always need a consultant to come into your business and help you improve. Sometimes you just need a little time to work on what does not work. Do not work harder with the strategy that does not work, change. Change your strategy.

So, tell me what you are going to work on to change?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Babyface at the Vault

Kathy King and I went down to check out Babyface in a new concert. But first
A word about the opening act.

This lady was a stunning looker of the Celine style. But her voice, oh my god....
She did this thing where the pitch went somewhere in the range of Dog hearing.
It was her thing because she did it twice in her act.
It was really not good. Forget waterboarding, have her sing like that
and anyone will tell you where the jewels are.

Babyface sang mostly his old stuff, I would have liked to hear some new stuff too but seriously, his body of work is so good, you enjoy those good songs.

When he said he was going to sing his favorite song, I thought it was going to
'ha- ha Eddie Murphy dumped you!"
but it was the song her wrote for his ex-wife when she gave birth to their oldest son Brandon.

I nice song but clearly one that only had meaning for him

He is still a great show, I am going on Itunes to see what the new stuff sounds like.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Do you practice these 5 aspects of Information Marketing?

There is a brand new information marketing
course that is so revolutionary it's going
to shatter myths right before your very

And after busting the truth wide open, you
will then leap head on into a Master
Plan that includes ALL of the following:

* Extraordinarily high profit margins
* Automation allows for hands-free money making
* Costs far less than a brick & mortar store
* You don't have a boss
* No Inventory

Not only will you find each and every
component above part of your new destiny,
you will also have step-by-step guidance
along each step of your journey!

You can see exactly what I mean here:

You are one click away from live-changing
information that will revolutionize the way
you do business...

P.S. Check out their Triple-Barreled Guarantee
if you have any doubts - this will erase any
hesitation you may have from your mind completely!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Website Makeovers for TEA

Ok, I finally got a web update
My focus, is the biggest show of the year

This year, our High Tea
included lunch, networking and some great suprises

We will also put our support behind 3 non profit organizations this year
and give them their awards at this lunch event.

and of course, it will all be on Television later!
check out the link and get your ticket,
we only have 40 seats available so get yours or just watch online to
see what you missed!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bridging Heart and Marketing

Last weekend I visited my friend Donna Fox, author of FRom Credit Repair to Credit Millionaire in Los Angeles. She was a speaker for Judith adh Jims Heart and Marketing Internet Marketing Conference.

Jim and Judith taught tandem at the end of the seminar, it was great.
I loved the way they present! For people who are spiritual entrepreneurs but need
information on how to market yet stay in their integrity, I think this is it.
I learned a lot from their session. I also met Greg Cesar and Heidi Nabert and Danny Guspie ( they have a podcast I used to listen to!)

You never know what can happen when you get out and meet people.

Also last weekend, Don and Melinda Boyer had their first event at the Real Life Teaching Center in Whittier. I was also a speaker at that event.
It's a lovely facility, looks very nice and smells great in there all the time.

DVD's of that event will be available soon, so I'll let you know.

You need to invest in your education every quarter at least. Many people go to several events each month. Set aside some money to go and to events, network and
learn! Thats how you grow a business.

Friday, February 22, 2008


MetLife offers free Life Advice to help individuals and families start off the New Year with a renewed focus on personal finance matters. Whether individuals and families resolve to start a business or secure their legacy with life insurance, MetLife has multiple resources to help.

“The beginning of a new year is a great time to assess your financial picture and commit to building wealth within your family and community, and having the right support in place will ensure your success,” said Dwight Raiford, senior financial planner, MetLife. “The best way to start is to arm yourself with as much information as possible, even before you sit down with a financial advisor.”

In partnership with a host of experts, MetLife’s Life Advice program provides free, easy-to-use information to help families take charge of their finances and build a personal safety net. MetLife’s Life Advice program offers more than 35 brochures and a comprehensive website ( with free financial advice. The award-winning program is meant to support individuals through life’s opportunities and challenges—both the expected and the unexpected. Topics covered include:

• Life Transitions: Getting married? Becoming a parent? About to retire? Tips on how to make the most of it.
• Family: From childcare to getting a driver's license, how to do what's right for those you love.
• Financial: Financial planning for college, buying a home, enjoying retirement, or even all three at once.
• Health: How to make smart healthcare decisions, help save a life and more.
• Major Purchases: Get the facts before you rent an apartment, or buy a home, car, or boat.
• Business/Legal: How to start, run and sell a business, plus information on choosing an attorney and the legal system.
• Disaster Preparation: Protecting your family and possessions from earthquakes, fires, floods and storms.
• Insurance Basics: Do you know what it takes to adequately protect you, your family, car and home?
• Calculators & Tools: Use our interactive tools to make more informed decisions about insurance and other financial matters, and home improvement, too.

Individuals may access Life Advice resources at or call 1-800-METLIFE (1-800-638-5433) to order Life Advice brochures. Callers may request up to three brochures, free of charge, each time they call.

MetLife, Inc. is a leading provider of insurance and other financial services to millions of individual and institutional customers throughout the United States. Through its subsidiaries and affiliates, MetLife, Inc. offers life insurance, annuities, automobile and homeowner’s insurance and retail banking services to individuals, as well as group insurance, reinsurance and retirement and savings products and services to corporations and other institutions. Outside the U.S., the MetLife companies have direct insurance operations in Asia Pacific, Latin America and Europe.

For more information, please visit

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I forgot about Ryze

In my post before I talked about the networking sites I belonged to.
I forgot about Ryze. My experience there is that I got a lot of dumb emails
and there was no place for business. However, I have a business associate who uses Ryze on a limited basis and it worked to bring in clients.

I may need to revisit Ryze.

What do you use??
Let me know and Jot it down here!
I would love to hear

or visit Wright Place TV Show
and let me know

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Social Networking Sites for Business? Can You Make Money? I belong but only get invitations from guys over 60. I am not sure what I am attracting there but It's not working for business.

Fast PItch- This site was recommended to me by my friend Maria Simone. She pointed out that you can have unlimited news releases, I used that feature a lot. I also met a great person who was on the show. Helene Wasserman- visit to see it online.
They also have a webinar on how to use it.

My space- I only have about 15 friends on there,2 of which I actually converse with on a fairly regular basis. My audience is not on my space, and clearly, my friends aren't either.

Twitter- a time waster, I am not sure anyone is fascinated with what I am doing.

Plaxo- my contacts there communicate well, good dialogs happen when I participated in a poll and then made comments. Its simple and I don't get an email from them every 5 minutes. Maybe the blue is soothing to me.

Linked in- you can ask a questions that experts will answer.Thats a cool feature. They tell you how many people looked at your profile and how many times you came up in their search.I enjoy answering questions online, but I dont think I have really worked LINKED in well.

Facebook- honestly I dont know what the deal is with them. I could not register my name- so I am in there as Lacy Wright, needless to say, I hardly use that. I do belong to a group on there but they are from a different country and might thing Lacy is my nick name. It's not... so don't call me that. I tried to correct it by sending a letter to admin, and no answer came. I guess it's free 'cause there is no customer service.

Digg- I just joined to post to someone else's blog. I have not really used it or DUGG other people's site. I'll have to read more on it.

Monkey Brain- I started a fight, we'll see who comes, so far, nobody! I guess it wasn't an extraordinary position to take but we'll see.

Squidoo- I worked on my site there a little more, my lens is about the show. I am not sure that anyone who has ever talked to me has seen that lens. But for some reason, I have a not so bad ranking on that site. I am not passionate about it, but it's another site that can point back to yours.

Meet UP- every meet up meeting was canceled so I never participated and now have lost interest because my personal vision has changed. I am not longer interested in just local events.

SO bottom line, for me, money is being made at Fast Pitch
I am sure I belong to a few more I have forgotten about but thats fine, If I come across them, I blog about it.

Tell me who you actually MAKE money with, not just network with?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

How to get more Links!

getting more links back to your site is still important
although now its more of a 3 way thing

here is a FREE directory you can add your business to - A business directory

Monday, February 11, 2008

How to Get your ads on radio for almost nothing!

Linda Casso from Tuned in Media gave us a kick butt interview on ads on radio
the blue podcast player on the right will play that show for you today
or visit to hear the rest

really amazing info- you have not heard about how to get
that radio time!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Are you Really Ready for Oprah??

Big Bad Book Blog has a terrific quic on this
What is really takes to get on Oprah
and you can take the quiz

check it out here

PS-if you want to get on Oprah and dont EVER
watch the show and dont have a TV, let the dream go
you really are not supporting it.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Golden Tickets for everyone

I just finished Golden Ticket by Burchard. Interesting book, kinda, sorta
Ok, I was not memorized by the storyline but I did learn specificially 2 things that
the author was not including in the theme. He added the information to explain what he was talking about. But, it gave me a clue to some other information
I was looking for. It was worth it for that reason.

I am an avid reader so I read the book in 2 days.
But thats just my style.

Reading - I love reading and I love books so as long as I learn one
thing, I have not wasted my time

Oh by the way, if you are reading this on Super Tuesday-
call my office 909-635-2040
you will love today's voice mail!

or just watch the show

Monday, January 28, 2008

Are You Making These Mistakes with Employees?

Dr Wright with Helene Wasserman. Helene devotes a significant amount of effort to asisst her clinets in putting policies and procedures in place that can prevent litigation. 213-237-2403

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ferengi Business Ethics at Start Trek

As I plan my trip to Star Trek the Tour at the Queen Mary,
I came accross this at

While I will NOT be adopting Ferengi Business Ethics,
I do think its great to check out your ethics with a Master Mind group.

This is rule of acquisition #111
treat those who owe you like family, exploit them!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

If you can write, you can get your idea out of your head and into the World!

Most people have great ideas, but you need to know how to get them out of your head and into the real world. In the world is where your ideas help people, where they make money and where they make a difference!