Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Will Pamela Anderson Get an Iphone?

- New Technology for 2007 is closely tied to
internet integration and make life easier.
Will Pamela Anderson
get an Apple Iphone? Will she be interested in
new technology? Will she know how to use it?

Will she want information on how to make it
work for her? Of course she will. Many women are
early adopters of technology and anything
connected to the web.

Women attend seminars, read the newest
information on new technology. 55% of
the people attending internet marketing
seminars are women. When you attend you
find that only 6% of the presenters are women.

When they do present they are often at the
hip of a man, presenting. So why aren't
women on the stage and in the lists of
well-know gurus? There's a reason, and
it's more dangerous and shocking then
you could imagine. Donna Fox, Internet Marketer
and Author, went undercover interview all of
the major seminar promoters, and asked them
one question, "Why aren't there more women on
your stage?" Their answers astounded her.
Now she is sharing the top 8 reasons why on her
website www.nogirlz.com

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