Sunday, April 27, 2008

Mikhail Prokhorov - SNOB website and magazine

Mikhail ProkhorovImage via WikipediaMikhail Prokhorov is starting an invitation only website for millionaires who are self made called SNOB. He is also starting a magazine of the same title. The magazine is a great way for people who can not get a membership in the website to consume his product. It is also a way for people who ARE in the website to brag about it and get people to ask them about it. Then they can casually drop that they are a member. Americans do not like to talk about how they made their money. It is a cultural thing

but other countries do not feel that way.
Would you belong to SNOB website?
He says it refers to a self made millionaire.
Websters defintion is different.
Can he rebrand the name? Hi is using $150 million to do !

1 comment:

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Why would millionaires even need a website? To poke fun at poor people? They can do that for free right now.